Your apartment was broken into and your TV and laptop are gone.
You are walking your dog in the park and he bites a jogger passing by.
There is a fire in a nearby apartment unit and the smoke damage makes your apartment uninhabitable. You need to put your contents into storage and stay at a hotel for two months.
Your vehicle is broken into while parked on the street. An expensive pair of sunglasses, your gym bag and some sports equipment were stolen.
Would you be covered? Would you have enough coverage?
Insurance isn’t always simple.
Having an independent agent on your side means you have a policy catered specifically for your space and all of the things you love in it. And as your needs change, we can change right along with you.
- Personal Property/Contents: Coverage for all of your personal belongings in the home, with some coverage extended for your contents while away from your residence.
- Loss of Use/Additional Living Expenses: Coverage provided for certain expenses incurred if you are unable to live in or fully use your rental property due to a covered loss.
- Personal Liability: Provides protection against lawsuits for incidents that you may become liable.
- Medical Payments to Others: Coverage for others who are injured at your residence
- Personal Property Replacement Cost: Provides coverage to pay out the actual cost to replace your items, rather than their depreciated value.